University Hospital,
South Sulawesi.
- Creating a COVID-19-specific
intensive care environment. - Due to the spread and prolonged transmission of COVID-19, a 'prefabricated ICU' was created to provide intensive care specifically for COVID-19.

- Creating a COVID-19-specific
intensive care environment. - Due to the spread and prolonged transmission of COVID-19, a 'prefabricated ICU' was created to provide intensive care specifically for COVID-19.
Central Uni participated in JICA's ’Project for capacity development of ICU using telemedicine under Covid-19 pandemic' and provided the medical facilities necessary to provide intensive care to medical sites in developing countries with a high need to strengthen treatment functions. In Indonesia, a 'prefabricated ICU' was adopted, and Central UNI participated in the project from the time of its basic conception, making proposals including flow lines and floor plans, and finalising the plan.
Hasanuddin University Hospital,
South Sulawesi
One of the top hospitals leading healthcare in Indonesia, especially in Sulawesi. One of the leading university hospital in Indonesia with teaching functions.
Rumah Sakit Unhas
- Beds: 225 beds
- Operating theatre: 6 rooms.

Case Study Points
Prefabricated ICUs' where all building components are sourced locally.
In Indonesia, a 'prefabricated ICU' was adopted because building materials could be procured locally.
The prefabricated ICU is a separate building with five beds, where patient conditions can be monitored remotely from the control room.

All construction work was carried out by an Indonesian company, but a Japanese expatriate was in charge of site management, which earned him trust and enabled him to be appointed and entrusted with the project, which had originally been put out to tender.
The fact that our local partner PT. SAMATOR INDO GAS was involved in liquid oxygen and medical gas piping systems for existing hospitals was also a boost.
Infection control environment for corona patients and healthcare workers.
Attention has been paid to every detail, including oxygen supply equipment to provide the oxygen treatment required for corona patients, as well as disposable aspirators and antibacterial filters for air conditioning to prevent infections.

User Review
During the tour briefing at the handover, the nurses were particularly keen to listen and were impressed and grateful for the VICA disposables.