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On the occasion of the 70th anniversary

My own honest 'key words'.
"Appreciation", "Founded in Kitakyushu", "Steel-related business", "Human", "Corporate philosophy", "Innovator", "Step into the medical business field", "Medical gas facilities", "Launch of service/logistics business", "Expansion of operating theatre business", "Simulation", "Value (mechanism) creation towards the future", "HCD -Human Centered Design"
CENTRAL UNI was founded in Kitakyushu in 1951, and thanks to your support, we are celebrating our 70th anniversary. We are filled with appreciation to our customers and all those who have been involved in our business. We would also like to express our deepest appreciation to the successive presidents and employees who have passed the baton to us.
There have been four stages in CENTRAL UNI's 70 years. The First Stage, when the company was founded in the steel-related business; the Second Stage (1966-), when the company stepped into the medical business field and developed a medical gas central piping system; the Third Stage (1980-), when the company, launched the service and logistics business for heathcare business field, and Fourth Stage (2008-), in which we expanded the business related to the operating theatre by using simulation tools at the planning stage of hospital construction to visualise issues and share images of completed projects. Furthermore, in 2006, we moved our head office from Kitakyushu to Tokyo and joined the Ship Healthcare Group to expand our business field.
Looking back, since our founding, we have made various innovative efforts, from "Monouri"(trading) to "Monozukuri"(manufacturer) and "Kotozukuri"(creating the things) under our corporate philosophy of "Human centered value creating company". We feel strongly that we have been able to grow so far because we have promoted and developed our business with people at the centre of our corporate philosophy with "respecting people" and "being strict with people", as our basic approach.
Now, we are moving into a new stage towards the future, and in the Fifth Stage (2021-), we will not only provide and maintain innovative products and services to our customers with Human Centered Design (HCD) in mind, but will also develop new products and services that are tailored to the needs of our customers. We not only provide and maintain innovative products and services to our customers, but also visualise whether the products and services we provide are of value to them. We also create a 'mechanism' to innovate together with our customers.
CENTRAL UNI is still in the process of development. We are determined to make daily efforts to contribute to people involved in healthcare and welfare every step and appreciate if you watch us with warm eyes.